The morning was spent getting everything ready...including moving the jumps we built first so we'd have room for all the hay and grain in the back of the pickup. Hitched up, filled up the tires, and now it's time to get the ponies on. I'm pretty sure that Cabot thinks the trailer is a hell-box by this time and he gets worse every time I attempt to load him. This time he was pretty good and only required slight persuasion with the whip by hubby. It annoys me to no end that he no longer loads when I'm by myself, but just needs a person with whip standing behind him to quietly load. Storm was good, more concerned with the apparent lack of space and who the other horse was than really objecting to being loaded.
Now, they were in the trailer a grand total of maybe 20 minutes. And came out - now they're best friends...
What is it with horses that
One of the main reasons that they got moved to this place is because ADD-pony aka Cabot will not focus away from his friends. He is exponentially better when in an arena (vs polo field). So the ponies being joined at the hip now is a little inconvenient.
They fussed quite a bit when I brought them in and put them in separate stalls, but have seemed to have calmed down now.
First ride on Cabot at new place will be this evening...
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