Intro to me (AA)...I am a twenty-something occasional rider/tack shop employee. I grew up riding Hunter/Jumpers and have caught the eventing bug since moving to Texas. I have also dabbled in driving (I love combined driving and would love to have a horse I could do that with), reining (I do live in Texas), and polo (via my husband's family). I have ridden off/on for the last 15 years and currently have 2 TB's that this blog will chronicle.
Stars of the show..."Make a Fuss" aka Cabot (pictured above). 2008 model Thoroughbred gelding- solid chestnut (much to my dismay:(). He is my baby. I bred his mom and then purchased her, foaled him out and have dealt with him for the last 4 years. He thinks he's a dog and would probably sleep in my bed if I let him. He is my first horse that I have had from birth and trained all by myself (kinda scary...). He got started this summer and then he has been sitting since July due to 100*+ weather and then an unfortunate incident with a pasture-mate's hoof in which he acquired a miniscule chip in his cheekbone. Now it's time to get back to work and see what kind of horse he's going to become.
Equine #2: "I Don't Speak" aka Storm (I did NOT name this one). 2007 model Thoroughbred mare - mostly dark bay, I think there might be some white when I peel all the mud off. She is an acquisition from my father-in-law that is a retraining project. She will be sold, she will be sold, she will be sold (If I keep repeating it, it will happen). Has the basics, but needs more buttons installed (Power-steering would be a plus...).
Occasional guest appearances by...Finn and Zoe ...furr kids that sleep in the bed. :) Finn is a 6 year old terrier mix with an amazing underbite and is pretty much the coolest dog you will ever meet. Zoe is a 1 year old Australian Shepherd and definitely a close runner-up for coolest dog.
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