Today I worked Cabot and the Yellow Horse (fellow boarders un-broke 4 year old, who's name is Ethyl and I refuse to call her that) in the morning and let Storm wait for the afternoon so I could ride with Kelly. Cabot and YH were pretty good. Rode in the dressage saddle, which is quite different and somewhat uncomfortable, it's going to take some getting used to.
Storm was ok in the beginning walking around. I switched her to a Kimberwicke (mimicking polo pelham action) but she didn't seem to be a fan. I asked her to trot and got half way around the arena to where I had set up a jump. There are 2 barrels that are next to the jump and one fell over. Ensue major spook and bucking fit because of said barrel. I ditch (of course landing on the same elbow that took the brunt of the fall off Cabot) and she takes off down the arena. Saddle starts to slip. She still won't stop so saddle slips all the way underneath and then girth breaks. Investigate saddle all is ok until I go to put the stirrup back on.
Yep, that's the stirrup bar bent out at a 90* angle. I am thinking she must of stepped on the stirrup (we couldn't really tell) causing the girth to break. Not sure why the stirrup leather didn't break before causing metal to bend. Also one of the billet straps came off. I'm hoping I can send it back to get fixed/replaced since it's under a year old. Bonus to being tack shop slave is that I have a pretty good relationship with our rep for that company. Storm might have to go back to being a polo pony...
uh oh :(