Thursday, April 26, 2012

This week

It's amazing what 4 days of consistant work will do for the baby horse brain.  He was so much better for our lesson this week.  We stayed in the arena almost the whole time and he was listening a whole lot better to my leg.  After the arena work, we moved on to jumping a tiny little "grid" (really just a one stride).  The first time through I think his little brain was about 4 strides behind us and he stopped at the second one and then jumped from a stand-still which totally dis-lodged me.  Second time was better and then trainer decided to put up chute poles to fix the drifting issues.  Initiate another baby brain moment.  He finally got the picture and went through well twice and we called it a day. 

Trainer works out of a vet's place so I was asking her about doing his teeth and she was like "well I can do them right now".  So he got spring cleaning: teeth floated (I felt bad, they were really bad), shots, coggins, and then the farrier came in the afternoon.  It's a good thing all this occurs only one the same day around 1x a year since my checkbook had a small heart attack.  He will get today and tomorrow off and hopefully be a much happier pony on Saturday.

Oh, he was argumentative about getting on the trailer again.  Argh!  He's really not scared.  SOOOO ANNNOYYYING!!!

In other news, saddle repair guy called and the tree is not damaged.  He just has to replace the stirrup bar and we'll be good to go.  Super happy about that.  Although now I've been borrowing all these super nice saddles with calfskin seats, I'm getting spoiled and want to shop again.

Good drugged pony

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