Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Battle of Wills continues

So of course it rained (hard) again yesterday so no riding :(.  I am not used to not having an indoor/covered arena when I actually want to ride and it has having some serious effects on my horse-happiness scale.  Instead I tried to work Cabot into the trailer using some methods I saw on COTH.  I have not tried the lunge line behind the butt method as of yet, since I'm still being patient and now he seems to have a tendency to go up when he gets mad and I don't want to encourage that at all.  After about 30 minutes, we are still no closer to getting in the trailer.  He has now not had grain for about 4 meals and that still is not enough enticement to get in.  Stupid pony.  I do feel like he's getting a little bit of an out, because I still turn him out and he theoretically gets to graze, but there's not much grass in there mud-hole of a pasture right now so I think he should still want his grain and hay for the 15 hours he has to spend in his run.  We'll try again today...

Valentine's Day was a major downer day -

A) I found out the tack store where I work is closing (stay tuned for an update when things actually go on major sales) and I am therefore becoming unemployed.

B) When I went to bring the horses in, all 3 of them managed to fight enough with eachother and take my concentration away from the gate, run through the gate and across the road.  As I trod after them, they decided they were in trouble and promptly ran back up the driveway where I was able to ghetto-rig some gates so they couldn't get out again and get them all in their stalls.

C) Checking my PO Box is a major cause of discomfort usually because of all the job rejection (tack store slave was not supposed to be my career after obtaining a Master's Degree) letters...this time there was an almost $300 bill from the dermetologist I went to see A YEAR AGO!  I guess all the funny business with my insurance has finally gone through so now they decide to bill me :(.

Ok...enough complaining...I'm very lucky in lots of other ways...

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