Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Holy guacamole

To say I've been busy is a HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!

We started the sale on the website for the store going out of business on Saturday.  Since then, we've had approximately 400 orders.  This is a business that usually only gets 20ish on a good regular day and maybe 80 close to Christmas when it's crazy.  400!!!!  There's no way we can keep up.  People are just gonna have to wait and that's going to have to be ok.  Most seem to understand.

Anyway, if you want some good deals, hit up:  Everything is 30% off now.  You better hurry...stuff's selling out fast.

I haven't even been able to think about what's going to happen after this gig is up.  Hopefully it will slow down a little bit before it goes dead so I can prepare a little bit.

And no riding this week...going in early to work and staying late = no more daylight.  Which doubly sucks because it hasn't rained and it was oh, 75 degrees today!  Why couldn't it have been like this last week???

However, I will continue to count my blessings.  A friend's husband passed away this morning from cancer at age 31.  Definitely puts everything in some harsh perspective.

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